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The Sagra del Redentore
In Cooking-eng

The Sagra del Redentore

After almost five centuries from its conception, the Sagra del Redentore is still one of the most important events involving the city of Venice and its surroundings. At the end of a pestilential epidemic (around 1570), the Venetian Senate decided to build a temple to Christ the Redeemer; the work was commissioned to Andrea Palladio,...

The Venice Carnival: the origins
In Cooking-eng

The Venice Carnival: the origins

 The Carnival is a festival without a fixed date, celebrated in countries with Catholic tradition. Today the festival has lost his religious nature, acquiring different connotations in the spirit of the joke and the fiction. From a Catholic viewpoint, the term derives from the Latin carnem levare, which means “remove the meat”, because it refers...