Month: February 2019

Home / 2019 / February
The masks of the Commedia: Harlequin
In Cooking-eng

The masks of the Commedia: Harlequin

March is coming and Carnival is just days away. Let’s find out more about the history of the masks of the Commedia dell’arte beginning from the most famous one: Harlequin. Harlequin is a mask from Bergamo, whose personality is born from the fusion of the Zanni’s tradition – which are the masks that play the...

The symbolism of the scallop
In Cooking-eng

The symbolism of the scallop

The scallop is a bivalve mollusc that comes from the Mediterranean Sea: the white and fleshy part is the adductor muscle, while the softer flesh is called coral. It is a delicious, tasty and also low-calorie dish. It has many names because the seafood is linked to many stories and legends. It is called Shell...

The exhibition From Kandinsky to Botero
In Cooking-eng

The exhibition From Kandinsky to Botero

The immense and gothic Palazzo Zaguri in Campo San Maurizio is hosting the unmissable exhibition Da Kandinsky a Botero. Tutti in un filo. Called Tutti in un filo (“all in one thread”), the exhibition consists of one hundred articles woven to the frame with foresight and attention to the most subtle detail. It is a...